Psychiatric morbidity in perimenopausal women

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Jagtap BL, Prasad BS, Chaudhury S.

BACKGROUND: Women in the perimenopausal period are reported to be vulnerable to psychiatric disorders.

AIM: To assess the psychiatric morbidity in perimenopausal women aged 45-55 years.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional, observational, hospital-based study was conducted at the Department of Psychiatry in a tertiary care hospital attached to a medical college. The study sample consisted of consecutive women in perimenopause as diagnosed by a gynecologist and written informed consent for inclusion in the study. Women with a previous history of psychiatric illnesses, with a major medical illness, or who had undergone surgical menopause were excluded from the study. All women were evaluated with a brief questionnaire for collecting demographic and clinical information and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for assessing psychiatric disorders.

RESULTS: Of the 108 women in perimenopause included in the study, 31% had depressive disorder, 7% had anxiety, while 5% had depressive disorder with anxiety features. Psychiatric morbidity was significantly more in women having lesser education, from rural background, with a history of psychiatric illness in the family, a later age of menarche, and in the late stage of perimenopause.

CONCLUSIONS: Women in the perimenopause affected by psychiatric morbidity were most commonly diagnosed with depression. As perimenopause is a time of vulnerability in women, attention to signs and symptoms of depression may be required so that they may lead a more productive life.


Industrial Psychiatry Journal, enero-junio de 2016

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